• Activism. Politics. Star Trek Discovery.

    July 26th, 2021

    We were so excited to get some time with Representative Attica Scott. We had a great conversation, learning more about her long history as a public servant and what drives her to do the work she does for the Commonwealth. We also get to discuss her run for US Congress! And the best part is learning that this State Representative even out nerds Crimson, with a passion for Star Trek Discovery.

  • Rebuilding With Hannah Drake

    June 14th, 2021

    Best episode ever! We get to talk to the author, poet and activist, Hannah L. Drake, about everything from her approach to her art, to how white folks need to come to terms with the realities of America’s systematic oppression towards people of color. It requires an open heart and may be uncomfortable for some, but it is productive conversation that focuses on how we move forward and push ourselves to be our best selves.

  • Being A Boss With Representative Joni Jenkins

    May 24th, 2021

    What a fun episode to record! We get to chat with Representative Colonel Joni Jenkins, who serves as our House Minority Leader. We talk a little bit about policy and this past session, but in true Rebuilding fashion, we spend most of our time getting to know Rep Jenkins and her perspective on the current state of our politics given her 26 years of service.

  • Dope Horse

    May 19th, 2021

    This week we just catch up on the current events of today. From the updates in Covid mitigation plans, to horse doping, to who will be running against Governor Beshear, we just gossip about Kentucky’s unique situation in so many different realms of life.

  • Free The Weed Kentucky

    April 28th, 2021

    We keep it short and sweet this week by celebrating the conviction of George Floyd’s murderer and Kentucky’s number one crop, marijuana! We envision what Kentucky could look like if we legalize recreational marijuana. Who knows, maybe next year on 4/20, we can celebrate formally!

  • Book It To 2022

    April 17th, 2021

    Charles Booker Jr. announced his exploratory committee for the US Senate 2022 race against Senator Paul this week, and we are glowing with excitement. Both admit bias, but there is a reason he inspires us all and makes you feel so warm about the future. So we chat about our obsession, why, and how we are excited with the potential of other candidates who would help unify our party post-primary, then see the divisiveness of 2020. DONATE NOW!

  • Not Enough Hero's

    April 3rd, 2021

    For this to be a short session year in Kentucky, the Republicans really did a lot of damage in record time. We discuss what was and what could have been had we not had a General Assembly that preferred to play politics instead of doing work for the people, in a dire time of need. You can quickly visualize the utopia that could have been had our hyper-minority been a majority.

  • FOMO For Cuomo

    March 18th, 2021

    You’ve gotta hand it to Governor Cuomo. How does he still have a social media army supporting him? There is so much to unpack but we just focus on the allegations, his overall history and his future as Governor. It is a very divisive issue for some reason, and we can’t profess unbiased opinions. We have pretty strong thoughts about why we must do better. But how doing better helps us in the long game.

  • Activism Matters

    March 9th, 2021

    Imagine a world where the most amazing and powerful activist you know was the person that actually represented you? Maybe they are just representing on a county Executive Committee for the state Democratic Party, or they are an actual representative or leader of some sort? Doesn’t that sound like a progressive utopia? But the question is how do we merge the power and strengths of the party structure with the energy and passion of activists on the ground? We don’t really figure that out, but we have some thoughts on the issue.

  • Everything Is Local

    March 1st, 2021

    Want a chicken coop in your yard? Look to your city ordinance. Want to get a stop sign put in in front of your house due to traffic? Look to your City Council. Local politicians have a more direct impact on your day-to-day life than you may know, yet most of us spend our political time talking about what is happening in Washington DC. Don’t get us wrong, it all matters, but what impacts you the most is what is closest to you. So this week we bring on a special guest, Councilwoman Connie Grubbs, and talk about why she ran for a local office and why it is so vital not just to the citizens of the community but also how it ladders up to our state and national politics.

  • I’m Just A Bill: KY Edition with Rep Rachel Roberts

    February 22nd, 2021

    So, we gotta be honest, Missy really messed up her audio, BUT its such a great episode. Representative Rachel Roberts walks us through how a bill is passed in the Kentucky State House. While it sounds nerdy, and is, we keep it cool, like the new modern Schoolhouse Rock. If you don’t know Representative Roberts, you are missing out! So listen to us chat about some of her amazing work, and learn how a bill is made and how YOU can make an impact. Also, we strongly encourage you to contact your legislator. You can track bills and learn more at https://legislature.ky.gov/Legislation/Pages/default.aspx

  • The Rebuilding is Canceled Party

    February 17th, 2021

    This week we discuss the hot topic of Cancel Culture! Sounds sexy right? Wait, am I allowed to say that? We dive into what cancel culture is and how we have seen it play out across the nation and even here in Kentucky. Tune in to hear us discuss why it's not about whether or not it is right or wrong, but why it's necessary as we progress as a society.

  • Explain The Reorg To Me Like I Am A 5 Year Old

    February 4th, 2021

    While much is still being planned to pull off the first virtual reorganization of the Kentucky Democratic Party, we try to break down the process as simply as possible. This is the chance of a lifetime, or 4 years, to get your voice heard within the Democratic Party, by engaging in our reorganization. Given Missy is a recovering Republican, we bring in Roberto Henriquez, who is serving on a subcommittee to help plan the reorg and has his own podcast, Left in Kentucky, to explain the democratic process that results in the new makeup of the state party. And if you hear it and want to jump in and help turn this state blue, sign up for updates from the KDP here. https://action.kydems.org/page/s/kdp-reorg

  • Covid Just Sucks

    January 28th, 2021

    What can we say? You guys know the facts of the matter, so we talk about the fallout that we are currently surviving and will continue to survive in the months to come. We also talk about the impact containment measures have cost the people of the Commonwealth and the Governor himself. Be prepared for some Gov Crushin’.

  • Crazy Ass White People

    January 22nd, 2021

    In this episode we discuss the implications of the insurrection on the Capital and the conversations it’s restarted in Kentucky regarding white supremacy, guns in the capital, and the silence on the right and middle on the issue. We hope to explore the potential path forward, when we all know the depths of racism in American, but Kentucky especially.

  • The Great Kentucky Divide

    January 21st, 2021

    Join us as we discuss the tug and pull between the moderates and progressives within the Democratic Party in Kentucky. The discussion ranges from the divide within the national party, but focuses mostly on what that means for the state of Kentucky. We discuss the 2019 Gubernatorial election and how it brought us together, while the 2020 election served to divide us deeply. Listen to us discuss ways we can unite and why unification is so vital to our success moving forward.

About Rebuilding

Rebuilding is a podcast from the minds of Missy Spears and Crimson MacDonald. Join a political satirist and strategist as we discuss hot topics ranging from politics to pop culture, from the perspective of two progressives living in the reddest of red states, Kentucky.


Crimson MacDonald

Political and Digital Strategist. Lead for Moms Demand Action- Northern Kentucky, Board Member of the Kentucky Civics Engagement Table, Campbell County Democrat and fulltime activist. Oh, and a PTO Board Member at my son's elementary school (don't judge). *Views experessed are those of my own and do not represent any other organizations.

Missy Spears

Missy Spears is a Covington based activist, former political candidate, and currently registered Democrat who uses political satire to further community causes. Missy is single and lives in Covington, Kentucky with her standard poodle Bogart and a lifesize cardboard cutout of Elizabeth Warren. The lifesize cutout is not why she’s single.